Video Improv and Movie Games were created to offer a challenging, fun, socially engaging way for people of all ages and abilities to rediscover each other and their communities while making and screening improvised videos. Video Improv Canada is…
Movie Games Help Do Social Good
Chrysalis House and Juniper House initiated a project to help engage men and boys in talking about and ending gender violence. One of the ways they wanted to do this was by encouraging people to share their stories with video.…
New Booker School Embraces Movie Games
The New Booker School in Wolfville, Nova Scotia has decided to learn how to practice the art of video by playing Movie Games. Their goal is to enable their students to be able to learn more about their community through…
Mixture of Mountain Biking and Movie Games a Success.
We kinda knew combining Movie Games with physical activities would work. The Dirt Divas project proved our point. Everyone in the group handled the camera as well as performed in front of it. They produced ten short videos using a…
Dirt Divas Play “In The Moment”
One of the first things to learn is image awareness. There are two sides to this. Actors benefit from knowing the image they project when on camera. Camera operators benefit from knowing how to frame an actor in the best…
A Great Explanation of Improvisation
Movie Games are a form of improvised movie making. Improvisation is a skill that many great performers embrace because it helps them practice being present and “presence” is a very powerful thing that is fun for an audience to…
Dirt Divas Program Embraces Movie Games!
Wolfville, Canning and New Minas Recreation are teaming up to support girls who want to be Dirt Divas in Kings County. Movie Games are going to be used to help them learn how to cooperate with each other and make…